User journey map

What would you like to have?

A map of the journey a user navigates on our website
For example:

referrer hostname => page 1 => page 2 => ...

Accompanied by the percentage of visitors went from each referrer to each page? like a tree with percentages written over the branches.

I’ve managed to build a sankey in Google Looker Studio between the referrer hostname and page path

However, I cannot get it to show a map of the internal page sequences (referrer page => page path) because it was complaining about “cycle found in data. This chart does not support cycles in the data”.
Best I could do in Looker is a table of referrer path, path, page views (count of all session IDs)

What I would ideally like is some sort of graph or long-tail sankey

What is your use-case?

I’ve got a Next.js SPA

How does it help other customers?

At least for SPAs, I think this is more useful than building funnels in Goals because the page views are linked by the session ID.

sankey in Looker studio

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also in Looker I managed to create a table of referrer path, path, page views (count of all session IDs)
this could then be built to create the graphs by grouping by page path.

This looks interesting as well although might be difficult to use if lots of pages are involved.