Site favicon not showing up in Simple Analytics

Anyone have this issue before or know of any guidance on site favicons? I assume that’s where Simple Analytics pulls from to display your site logo?

I’ve tried .svg and a few .pngs. I would rather not use .ico as they are super tiny and look pretty bad. The other two sites in my list are showing up fine in your system.


Current favicon for

A site that’s working is using a .webp:
followayfinder dot com /img/wayfinder-owl-round-900-percent-1024x1024.webp

Another site that works is using .webp:
tasha dot page /content/images/size/w256h256/2024/05/tasha-page-avatar-1.webp

2 link limit on posts here, so I spelled out the domain and urn as a workaround for the previous two.

Is png off limits? Is there a size limit (pixels or disk size)?